Thursday, August 09, 2007

3/8 of the Way!

I just finished my third semester at the University of Texas McCombs School of Business Evening MBA program. Just five more to go! This month marks my one year anniversary in the program and I don't understand how another year zoomed by so quickly. In a few weeks I will be attending the second year orientation, a week-long "retreat" at the Four Seasons hotel in downtown Austin... free food and booze :) We will intermingle with third years as well as the first years: I'm going to be watching the next batch of some of the country's brightest struggle to be the best in front of a few hundred people they've never met. The second year orientation is supposed to be the best because we all already know each other and we don't have any major projects due (like the third years), so we're just taking it all in and relaxing while everyone else is panicking.

I can't believe how much I've learned in the past year--things about business that, at times, seems like common sense, but I never knew I knew it until it was pointed out to me. I've also already learned a number of tools in my classes that have already helped me in the business world. Here are the classes I've taken so far:
  • Financial Accounting
  • Managerial Statistics
  • Managing People and Organizations
  • Economics
  • Marketing Management
  • Operations Management
  • Art and Science of Negotiations
My two favorite classes were 'Economics' and 'Negotiations' because the professors were amazing and the material was easy to grasp. I'm going to be taking 'Finance' and 'Entrepreneurial Growth' this next semester. Oh joy!