Myself, Scott Morgan, his girlfriend Heather, and current Clef President Anoop Desai.
I only pretend to kiss award-winning Clef Hangers like Jason Hamlin.
Here are Elaina and I posing for a quick pic at Jon Sauls' parents [gorgeous!] house.
After a few drinks we managed to squeeze out a cross-generational rendition of Africa. Carl's directing, Tart's soloing, and I'm percussing on the right.
The next morning we all had breakfast with some of the older Clefs. Then we practiced some songs in preparation for the lunch banquet.
Lunch was magnificent! It went on for some 4 hours, but we finally got to sing together in the end.
Elaina got a nice artistic photo of my nametag and aviator glasses.
After lunch we all went to "He's Not Here" beer garden, where we ordered a plethora of Blue Cups and got pretty buzzed.
See? Blue cups. Buzzed. Yyyyyeaaaahhh.
To prove how much I had to drink, I blessed the crowd with a sweet rendition of "Aww Naw" straight from my senior year of college. Special thanks to Allen Williams for a) having the best Clef entrance ever, and b) helping with the Aww Naw duet.
After drinking and eating at the BBQ ("What do we DO at the BARBECUE if we're VEGAN?!") we headed to the Clef Hangers concert. Look at that background! Geepers.
The Clefs had a sweet Lullaby song for Eve Carson, the UNC Student Body President (and friend of the Clefs) who was killed this past year.
Shari and Noah (from the hit movie "Bend it like Becker") joined us for the show. We were also able to hang out with them the following evening which ROCKED. Thanks for the hospitality, y'all!
After the concert, we went to Goldie's bar where Noah tried to whack my kneecap because I said his beard looks "girly".
Here is the Clef class of '03 looking hot as ever.
Tart and myself also looking hot as ever. The mullet lives, and everyone is better because of it.
The next day we had brunch at Clef Advisor emeritus Jay Klompmaker's house. And yes, we sang some more.
At the end of the weekend everyone who was left put their hands in the middle to say goodbye... for another 5 years or so :)