Monday, August 15, 2005

Christopher Walken for President

I've never crapped my pants over somebody running for President before, but that's because Christopher Walken has never run for President. And if I just implied that I crapped my pants, good, because I totally did. I don't know if you know this, but Christopher Walken is one of the greatest humans on the planet. Besides killing terrorists with his bare hands and curing life-threatening diseases, he's also kicked Hitler in the face twice. I want to live in a world where the President of the United States is Christopher Walken. It might end civilization as we know it, but imagine the President saying to the British Prime Minister, "I've got a fever, and the only prescription is more cowbell." You can't put a price on that. Even if you tried.*

Don't know if any of this is true, but damn, that would rock.

*courtesy of The Superficial


Eddie Howard said...

I'm pretty sure it's a hoax, but it's still really funny to think about.

PS. March of the Penguins is the cutest movie EVER MADE.

Julian said...

It's a hoax? Dammit I just added my email address and sent a donation...

Eddie Howard said...

Wow. Decently obscure reference. Nice.

He deserves being president after playing Captain Koons in Pulp Fiction. Anybody who stores a pocketwatch in his bum deserves greatness.

Julian said...

And who can forget "The Continental"? Anyone who can so outshine the cast of SNL has got the chrisma of a leader. Not to mention the sex drive of a Clinton.

Julian said...

By the way, did anybody know that The Brothers Grimm was directed by Terry Giliam from Monty Python? Damn I kind of want to see it just to give that guy money.