Sunday, August 28, 2005

Napoleon Dynamite Party

Once a month Elaina's lab gets together to have a Dinner and a Movie night. Each month a different person hosts the event, comes up with the theme, and provides all the food. This month it was Elaina's turn.

In a stroke of genius (which happens quite a lot to these neuroscientists) Elaina decided our theme should be Napoleon Dynamite. We made steaks, ham, green bean casserole, and of course tater tots; but first, everyone had to take a "Glamour Shot" in front of a wonderful work of art. Click here for pictures.


Elaina said...

Thanks Neal:)! It was a lot of fun. We thought about doing that as an appetizer, but we are cheap bastards:)

Eddie Howard said...

And the tetherball broke an expensive vase in the apartment, so we took it down :(

Eddie Howard said...

Haha, I can't believe you're gullible enough to think we actually put up a tetherball pole in our apartment!

No seriously, that's funny.

Julian said...

I haven't seen the movie! God you guys are ruining it for me! I feel like I've seen it already with the whole teatherball... and shreaded cheese stuff... ok I don't know what the hell you're talking about but it sounds weird...

Eddie Howard said...

Go rent Napoleon Dynamite right now. I'm so ashamed...

Noah Becker said...

We all know eddie doesn't own an expensive vase!!!1

Eddie Howard said...

Hey remember that time Noah broke the light fixture in the living room? That was funny.

Noah Becker said...

Yeah, and someone has video of it!!1 I guess the best part was when dad flew off the handle about it. Oh the good ole days.