Sunday, October 02, 2005

A History of Violence

David Cronenberg's A History of Violence is probably one of the worst movies I've seen the past 5 years. Don't worry, I'm not going to give away anything about the movie, but it's not because I don't want to--there's NOTHING to give away. This movie is horrible!

Okay, okay, I'm being too hard. The movie almost has a great plot, and the first hour of the movie--although terribly weak in many areas--plays up the plot's strong points. I'd be lying if I said the movie started to suck after that first hour... that's because it started sucking about 10 minutes into it. The weirdest thing is that Rotten Tomatoes gave it a 90% rating, which is the whole reason we went to watch it.

Pros: a strange, if awkward tone about the movie. We always felt like something bad was going to happen, which was probably the most successful thing to come out of this movie.

Cons: horrible acting by 95% of the cast, a plot that goes nowhere and leaves everything unresolved, gruesome bloody close-ups that add nothing to the movie, two pointless and gratuitous sex scenes that each last about three minutes too long, William Hurt, seeing Viggo's somehow flabby asscheeks, and a screenplay written by an eight-year-old.

E-squared rating: I wish we'd spent our money doing anything else.


Julian said...

Wow, never heard of it... so did you watch Shaolin Soccer yet?

jollybeggar said...

thanks for the tip- i hate that 'we could have done anything but this!' feeling.

you never get that two hours of your life back.

Eddie Howard said...

Seriously. Those hours... gone.

Jake, send me Shaolin Soccer for X-mas. Damn I'm good.