Sunday, April 23, 2006

Divine Intervention

It's rare these days to find evidence of a higher power, especially on a pizza box. Who knew that a delivery pepperoni pizza from Papa Johns would double as a delivery from the Lord?

Thinking back on it, the pizza was pretty good: it wasn't too greasy, it didn't make me bloated and farty, and the garlic butter dipping sauce wasn't already slightly open when I started shaking it. Truly divine intervention. Papa Johns? In my book it's Papa Jesus.

You can click on the picture to enlarge it.


Anonymous said...

Pizza by Jesus. LOL what a concept. Seems like that sort of indulgence would be delivered by Satan, but it's good to know that pizza has the lord's blessing. Hope you're doing well. Catch ya later.

Eddie Howard said...

I know! This irrevocably PROVES that Jesus wants us all to be fat slobs! That's great news for 70% of Texans :)