Saturday, April 29, 2006

Eddie's Getting His MBA!!

Today I found out I was admitted into the McCombs School of Business at the University of Texas here in Austin! The McCombs MBA program is ranked #18 in the nation by U.S. News.

Elaina and I went to Mirabelle Restaurant to celebrate :)

Here is the "welcome box" I received from McCombs:


Noah Becker said...

CONGRATS!!!! Eddie thats awesome. Now you are going to have even less money for a few years.

Eddie Howard said...

Thanks :) Yeah, I thought I was pretty poor before this -- HAH!

Anonymous said...

Awesome man! And yes you may have less money for a little while, but it will all be worth it in the end. You will have to keep us updated on how your classes go. Oh and if you haven't already, I recommend the movie Stay. I saw it over the weekend and it was pretty damn good, though a bit hard to follow.

Shari said...

Alright! Congratulations, Eddie! It's okay if you're broke afterwards. Just make sure you marry into some money like I did...Oh, wait, Noah's broke...and you're already married...and both of you are going to be in debt to your eyeballs. Just kidding! I'm proud of you and wish you the best.

Hope you and Elaina have fun in Italy!

Eddie Howard said...

Hah, thanks Shari :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Eddie! That is so here right now.

Eddie Howard said...

Thanks Tart! I hear 3 Clefs are going into the MAC program at UNC?! Everyone wants to be like Tart :)