Monday, May 29, 2006

First Anniversary in Italy

Elaina and I just got back from an 11-day anniversary vacation in Villasimius, Italy (on the island of Sardegna). Elaina had a neuroscience conference there, which she attended for the first three days, then we spent the rest of the time celebrating our first year of marriage :)

Trip Pros:

Trip Cons:
  • Some Italians do not like Americans.
  • We know about 2% of the Italian language.
  • Our airline, Alitalia, stopped flying to Sardegna the day before we left. Figuring this out in Italian was not easy. This also caused us to miss our connection to New York. Alitalia paid for us to stay in Rome with full room and board so we could fly back the next day.
  • Driving is hard in Italy because nobody pays attention to traffic laws.
Click here for some pictures!

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