Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas '06!

Merry Christmas!!

We hope everyone got lots of toys and alcohol for being so good this year.

Among other things, Elaina got a "Yogi" gingerbread man in lotus position.

We accidentally made the Grinch on a homemade sugar cookie.

And luckily we were visited by the Christmas T-Rex! He brought us lots of toys and goodies...

...including really hip clothes from Metro Park...

...a cordless vacuum cleaner...

...a digital photo frame and Lacoste shirt...

...a Manduka Black Mat for yoga...

...a big homemade sugar cookie...

...a generous Crate&Barrel gift card...

...and an elf hat which Professor... loved?

And for as long as this link lasts, see what happened to me when I made fun of an elf:

We hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. Best wishes for 2007!!

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Creepy Moustache Party 2.0

On Saturday, December 16th, Elaina and I had the privilege of attending the second edition of the Creepy Moustache Party. As you can expect, this year was creepier and moustachier than last year. Take a look:

A highlight of the party was Marty, who last year came as Ned Flanders, and this year came as a police officer:

Well done, Marty. Well done.

So until next year, rock on Creepy Moustaches everywhere. Rock on like Slayer. 1984 Slayer.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

One Semester Down...

As of Tuesday night, I finished my first semester of the Evening MBA program at the McCombs School of Business! Woo-hoo! All things considered, this has been a great semester and I can't believe how much I've learned in a matter of months. I had three classes this semester: Financial Accounting, Statistics and Decision Analysis, and Managing People and Organizations. Out of the three, Financial Accounting kicked my butt the hardest. Having never taken an accounting course, many of the concepts and verbage were foreign to me, so I struggled to keep up with the course lessons. The final exam was probably the hardest final exam I've ever taken in my life. Luckily I wasn't the only person lost--in fact, half-way through the exam the professor made everybody put their pencils down, take a deep breath, and then he apologized for making such a hard final exam. As a consolation, he gave us 15 extra minutes to work on it (out of three hours). Hah!

Next semester: Managerial Economics and Marketing Management. Hell yes.