A highlight of the party was Marty, who last year came as Ned Flanders, and this year came as a police officer:

Well done, Marty. Well done.
So until next year, rock on Creepy Moustaches everywhere. Rock on like Slayer. 1984 Slayer.

Since we're really bad at calling, use this blog to keep up with us!
I gotta say I like the handlebars the best. How long did it take Elaina to grow out her mustache?
I started the day after the last party! High Five!:)
You remember Wanda from Eckerds? Wanda has a mustache!
Wow I haven't thought of that in forever. For everyone else, can you tell the story?
Yeah Noah, tell the story!:)
Ok this story is long overdue so here it is. But before I start I just want everyone to know that I'm a horrible story teller. Jason, Eddie and I went to highschool together and we were always hanging out. This story takes place between 1996 and 1998. One day Jason, Eddie and I went to Eckerds, the local drug store. I have no idea what we were buying, maybe condoms (yeah right). Well one of the cashiers was named Wanda. Apparently Eckerds didn't sell Nair or mustache bleach cause Wanda had a mustache. When I say mustache I mean MUSTACHE, this wasn't just peach fuzz it was dark brown. Well me being the punk kid that I was back in high school I rather loudly proclaimed "Wanda has a mustache" when I saw Wanda ringing up our condoms. So maybe I should take this time to appologize to Wanda for being such an ass. Wanda if you are out there still and reading this I am very sorry for drawing notice to your mustache.
Well done, well done.
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