Sunday, December 17, 2006

Creepy Moustache Party 2.0

On Saturday, December 16th, Elaina and I had the privilege of attending the second edition of the Creepy Moustache Party. As you can expect, this year was creepier and moustachier than last year. Take a look:

A highlight of the party was Marty, who last year came as Ned Flanders, and this year came as a police officer:

Well done, Marty. Well done.

So until next year, rock on Creepy Moustaches everywhere. Rock on like Slayer. 1984 Slayer.


Noah Becker said...

I gotta say I like the handlebars the best. How long did it take Elaina to grow out her mustache?

Elaina said...

I started the day after the last party! High Five!:)

Noah Becker said...

You remember Wanda from Eckerds? Wanda has a mustache!

Eddie Howard said...

Wow I haven't thought of that in forever. For everyone else, can you tell the story?

Elaina said...

Yeah Noah, tell the story!:)

Noah Becker said...

Ok this story is long overdue so here it is. But before I start I just want everyone to know that I'm a horrible story teller. Jason, Eddie and I went to highschool together and we were always hanging out. This story takes place between 1996 and 1998. One day Jason, Eddie and I went to Eckerds, the local drug store. I have no idea what we were buying, maybe condoms (yeah right). Well one of the cashiers was named Wanda. Apparently Eckerds didn't sell Nair or mustache bleach cause Wanda had a mustache. When I say mustache I mean MUSTACHE, this wasn't just peach fuzz it was dark brown. Well me being the punk kid that I was back in high school I rather loudly proclaimed "Wanda has a mustache" when I saw Wanda ringing up our condoms. So maybe I should take this time to appologize to Wanda for being such an ass. Wanda if you are out there still and reading this I am very sorry for drawing notice to your mustache.

Eddie Howard said...

Well done, well done.