Thursday, January 04, 2007 is fun!:)

I (Elaina) found this site called You can make a personal avatar by choosing hair color, eye color, nose shape, background, clothing know you want to try it! You know you want to post the link to yours in the Comments section so I can look at it:)

Here's mine:
Here's Eddie's:


Noah Becker said...

Well they didn't have any "Thinning hair on top, plenty in the back" so I'm a little bummed.

Elaina said...

Noah, that is so coo! Thanks for sharing your meez with us:)

Eddie Howard said...

Looks just like you--laptop and all.

Shari said...

Hmmm, not sure this really looks like me...But I am holding my cup of pomegranate white tea ;)
Shari's Meez

Eddie Howard said...

Niiiiiiiice. I think it definitely looks like you. Is that your house in the background??