Saturday, March 17, 2007

I *heart* Farfegnugen

Last week I paid the last payment on my undergraduate student loan. This week I bought a car:

That's right, no more driving around in the '97 Ford Contour deathtrap (sorry DeMar). We are so excited because this VW is the first new car I've ever owned and it comes with a ton of cool standard features including:
  • Air conditioned glovebox
  • Keyless entry and alarm system
  • Automatic transmission with optional manual shifting
  • One-touch power windows on all windows
  • Blue/red lighted display for night driving
  • Groceries hanger in the trunk
  • Inserting key in door can roll down all the windows
  • Passenger side airbags
Anyway it totally rocks; here are some pics:


Noah Becker said...

Who's that hot girl in the car? She should be a yoga instructor!

Eddie Howard said...

funny you mention that...