Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Hot Fuzz

Holy crap this movie rocks. Hot Fuzz director/co-writer Edgar Wright and actor/co-writer Simon Pegg have successfully made a cop movie that makes fun of everything I hate about action movies. Every scene is edited together like the most absurdly over-acted chase scene you see in every crappy "Fast & the Furious Bad Boys II Gone in 60 Seconds Point Break"-style movie. This goes for every scene, including those with swan-chasing and paperwork filing.

Trust me, if you liked any scene in Shaun of the Dead you will love this movie. There are a few gory parts, but you'll be laughing so hard you'll hardly notice them. Also apart from the two main actors in Shaun of the Dead, the Hot Fuzz cast includes Love Actually/Pirates of the Caribbean's Bill Nighy and James Bond himself, Timothy Dalton. Almost every word spoken in this movie made me laugh out loud... those damn Brits are so funny.

Go see this movie. Thank me after you see it.


Noah Becker said...

Shari and I finally went to see Hot Fuzz this past Sunday. You are absolutely correct that this movie is awesome. I love the spoof of Point Break near the end... I hope I didn't give anything away just then.

Eddie Howard said...

Glad you liked it. You should look up a page of quotes from the movie--it'll make you laugh for hours.