And then BAM! Santa vomited all over our house:
Elaina, knowing she'd been good this year, poses before the triumphant march to the Christmas tree.
This year we got a number of nifty gadgets from our Floridian kinfolk. Woo-hoo!! Thank you :)
I was so excited about the new printer, I fell to the ground while doing the Happy Dance.
Regardless of Apple, Inc. hitting fourth quarter goals because of us this year, we had a great time jamming out to the new iPod and iPhone (the iToilet and iStove were on backorder). Here is Elaina before she saw me taking pictures of her:
Fon and Cathy sent us some lovely almond sparkling wine and the ridiculously awesome 5-disc set of the Discover Channel's Planet Earth. We only got through like 4 hours of it today before we realized we had a ton of other things to do.
Noah and Shari sent us a couple bottles of Sophia from the Rubicon Estates Winery in Napa. Totally rockin gift. Notice there's only one bottle in this picture :)
I also got an electric shaver from the Florida folks. LOVE IT!
Professor needed a good shave, too. His rough stubble chafes my chin when we smooch.
Speaking of Professor, he got some nice presents this year, including a couple pounds of snacks from PetSense, and a new Bobo stuffed doll.
It took him literally 33 seconds to murder Bobo (left).
This Christmas turned out to be one of the best ever! Thanks to everyone for the kind gifts and warm wishes, and I hope you had a great Christmas too :)
I'll leave you with this cute video of Professor. He was worn out after a crazy day of eating and watching Elaina and I freak out from our gifts.