Sunday, December 16, 2007

Creepy Moustache Party '07

Year 1, 2, and 3. That moustache keeps getting classier.

I know, it's been yet another year, and our friends had their 3rd annual Creepy Moustache Party. Feast your eyes on this year's weirdos:

YT and myself. Hott.

Some of the guys looking a little too normal.

Elaina has her cupstache. Very convincing.

Will's chops were amazing. They tickled my cheek when he gave me smooches.

Brian (Ernie) and Xadam. Classy as usual.

YT and Elaina in front of the pantry.

Catalina has a 'Big Lebowski White Russian' moustache.

Someone made creepy moustache gingerbread cookies. Who knew moustaches tasted so good?

Elaina and Jennifer with their newfound edible 'staches. I was so jealous.

YT's about to kiss me. Kick butt.

Creepy Moustache parties never cease to amaze me. Here are some honorable mentions:

And last but not least, how could it be ANY party without a half-naked Jay:

My sentiments exactly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your moustache is ok, but the one's on the cookies plate should have won first place!!