Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Thanksgiving in Florida

Elaina and I spent Thanksgiving this year with Elaina's folks in Melbourne, Florida. We had such a good time relaxing, eating, golfing, and soaking up the sun. Most of the week was spent on Melanie and Heiri's 33ft boat. At any rate, below are some fun pictures of our trip:

Here is Heiri and Anja (Heiri's daughter) in front of the boat. We met Anja for the first time and had a blast hanging out with her :)

Here is the master bedroom downstairs. Wow.

Anja and Elaina posing.

Anja and Elaina again.

Heiri posing. Look how happy he is!

Melanie posing while Anja's texting in the background.

Elaina and I going toward the bridge.

Looks like the first time we've seen sunshine in years (I speak for myself, of course).

As the sun goes down, Elaina and her mom relax at the back of the boat.

Elaina and I looking fratty. So fratty.

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